Showing  1 - 2 of 2 Records

Showing  1 - 2 of 2 Records
Ceiling Panels, from Zhihua Temple
  • Title Translation: 天花板,来自中国北京智化寺
  • Period: Qing, 1736-1796 C.E.
  • Project: Beijing Zhihua Temple
  • Work Description: Carved cypress wood with gold leaf; dragon design carved in relief

Standing Bodhisattva
  • Title Translation: 菩萨立像
  • Period: Jin, 1115-1234 C.E.
  • Project: Wooden Bodhisattvas (Guanyin)
  • Work Description: This figure is among the best in quality and preservation to have survived from the Jin Dynasty. The image is full-bodied yet imbued with a sense of stately movement effected by the flowing garments and twisting scarves that eddy around the figure. The deep carving and high relief drapery produce a dramatic effect of shadow and highlight, which, combined with the rich polychrome palette, result in a figure that is magnificent yet gentle, humanized and immediately appealing. A tightly folded manuscript found in a sealed cavity in the back records that this image was repaired and repainted in 1348. The names of the artisans and donors are listed, and the name of the temple given as Meditation (Hall) of the Great Cloud Monastery.