Showing  1 - 19 of 19 Records

Showing  1 - 19 of 19 Records
Northern Xiangtangshan, Middle Cave, façade
  • Title Translation: 北响堂山中洞 , 外墙
  • Period: Northern Qi, Ming, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
  • Work Description: The Middle Cave, the second largest of the caves in scale, still has its impressive entrance and large stone porch largely preserved. In recent times, a wooden porch-like structure was added to the front of the cave. Above the eaves of the porch and carved into the stone mountainside, there is a domed roof with a fenced harmika or platform at the top. The single-story stupa with domed roof is a distinctive feature of the design of the Xiangtangshan caves and appears on the walls of the North Cave and on many smaller stone carvings of the middle and late sixth century. Tall armored guardian figures stand under the stone eaves of the porch, and large lions support the columns flanking the door. Walking into the cave, visitors pass under the gaze of two tall bodhisattvas who face the entrance. The Middle Cave, like the great North Cave, has a large central pillar. However, it has only a single large niche deeply cut into the front of the pillar to form an altar on which a Buddha sits on a lotus throne accompanied by two tall standing disciple figures and two bodhisattvas. The base of the central pillar has relief figures of Spirit Kings, lions, and incense burners, much like the North Cave. The cave walls were originally left largely plain, but devotees of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) added a row of seated Buddhas contained in shallow niches that encircle cave's interior.

Southern Xiangtangshan, Cave 7, façade
  • Title Translation: 南响堂山第7窟 , 外墙
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
  • Work Description: Cave 7 is the best preserved of the caves at the Southern Xiangtangshan site, with the exterior displaying architectural features based on wood post and lintel architecture rendered in stone. The porch in front has a stone eave and tiled roof supported on columns and brackets. At the top is a domed roof. Two muscular lishi-type guardian figures stand in the porch on either side of the entrance to the cave. The principal sculpted figures inside the cave, five in each of the three niches, are still largely in place, though most are missing their heads. The seated Buddhas, standing bodhisattvas, and disciples were carved in one piece with the cave walls and thrones (with the exception of one of the Buddhas), and thus were not easily removed. Carvings on the front of the altars include incense burners, lions and nature spirits known as Spirit Kings, as seen at Northern Xiangtangshan. In addition many rows of small “thousand Buddhas” appear on the walls behind the main images and from the front wall around the entrance. On the ceiling, heavenly musicians encircle a central lotus blossom carved in relief.

Northern Xiangtangshan, Middle Cave, façade
  • Title Translation: 北响堂山中洞 , 外墙
  • Period: Northern Qi, Ming, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
  • Work Description: The Middle Cave, the second largest of the caves in scale, still has its impressive entrance and large stone porch largely preserved. In recent times, a wooden porch-like structure was added to the front of the cave. Above the eaves of the porch and carved into the stone mountainside, there is a domed roof with a fenced harmika or platform at the top. The single-story stupa with domed roof is a distinctive feature of the design of the Xiangtangshan caves and appears on the walls of the North Cave and on many smaller stone carvings of the middle and late sixth century. Tall armored guardian figures stand under the stone eaves of the porch, and large lions support the columns flanking the door. Walking into the cave, visitors pass under the gaze of two tall bodhisattvas who face the entrance. The Middle Cave, like the great North Cave, has a large central pillar. However, it has only a single large niche deeply cut into the front of the pillar to form an altar on which a Buddha sits on a lotus throne accompanied by two tall standing disciple figures and two bodhisattvas. The base of the central pillar has relief figures of Spirit Kings, lions, and incense burners, much like the North Cave. The cave walls were originally left largely plain, but devotees of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) added a row of seated Buddhas contained in shallow niches that encircle cave's interior.

Northern Xiangtangshan, South Cave, façade
  • Title Translation: 北响堂山南洞 , 外墙
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
  • Work Description: The South Cave at Northern Xiangtangshan, like the Middle Cave, preserves its original stupa-form with domed roof and a porch in front. An additional small cave is carved into the dome. The main chamber is an open chamber space with images set around three walls. Each altar has a central Buddha surrounded by six standing figures including bodhisattvas, disciples and pratyekabuddhas. Smaller Buddhas appear in rows on the upper level of the cave. On the ceiling a large lotus blossom is carved in relief. The work on the cave appears to have been begun, then interrupted, and resumed later by different craftsmen. The main sculpted images show signs of having been created in two stages, with the later mode of carving evident in the group of images on the back wall. The stylistic difference is also evident in the appearance of the heads of figures taken from the cave and now located in museums and private collections outside China. In addition to its sculptural art, the South Cave is very important for its extensive engravings of Buddhist scriptures in stone. These are located inside the cave on the entrance wall, inside the porch, on the exterior wall of the porch, and extending onto the north wall of the courtyard. At the end of the sutra texts, the dedicatory stele of Tang Yong records that the engravings were carried out in the years from 568-572.

Southern Xiangtangshan, Cave 1, façade
  • Title Translation: 南响堂山第1窟 , 外墙
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
  • Work Description: Cave 1, on the lower level southeast side, has dragons entwined around the columns of the entrance and a Buddha niche above the doorway between the two windows. The interior has a central pillar with a large niche on the front where the principal Buddha image sits, still largely intact. Behind his head is a large halo surrounded by flying divinities carved in relief. The Buddha has two of the original attendant figures, disciples dressed in monks’ robes, still standing beside him. The other figures currently on the altar are clay figures made as replacements for those that were removed in the early twentieth century. Above the main image niche in the central pillar there is a relief scene with Buddhas and bodhisattvas gathered in a teaching assembly. Another relief scene with a central seated Buddha appears just opposite, above doorway of the cave. It depicts the Western Paradise of Amitabha Buddha, a pure fragrant land with jeweled trees and lotus ponds where the Buddhist faithful could be reborn in the next life. On the upper level of the cave walls there is a row of niches, each with a seated Buddha and standing bodhisattvas. The lower level is largely filled with engraved passages of the Avatamsaka sutra or “Flower Garland Sutra." The engraved text does not extend onto the right or south wall and appears not to have been completed as originally planned.

Northern Xiangtangshan, South Cave, façade
  • Title Translation: 北响堂山南洞 , 外墙
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
  • Work Description: The South Cave at Northern Xiangtangshan, like the Middle Cave, preserves its original stupa-form with domed roof and a porch in front. An additional small cave is carved into the dome. The main chamber is an open chamber space with images set around three walls. Each altar has a central Buddha surrounded by six standing figures including bodhisattvas, disciples and pratyekabuddhas. Smaller Buddhas appear in rows on the upper level of the cave. On the ceiling a large lotus blossom is carved in relief. The work on the cave appears to have been begun, then interrupted, and resumed later by different craftsmen. The main sculpted images show signs of having been created in two stages, with the later mode of carving evident in the group of images on the back wall. The stylistic difference is also evident in the appearance of the heads of figures taken from the cave and now located in museums and private collections outside China. In addition to its sculptural art, the South Cave is very important for its extensive engravings of Buddhist scriptures in stone. These are located inside the cave on the entrance wall, inside the porch, on the exterior wall of the porch, and extending onto the north wall of the courtyard. At the end of the sutra texts, the dedicatory stele of Tang Yong records that the engravings were carried out in the years from 568-572.

Lower Guangsheng Temple, back hall (or Daxiong Bodian), façade
  • Title Translation: 广胜下寺 , 后殿 (即大雄宝殿), 正面
  • Period: Eastern Han, Yuan, 147 C.E., 1271-1368 C.E.
  • Project: Guangsheng Temple Murals
  • Work Description: The lower temple is made up by the temple gate, front hall, back hall (or Daxiong Temple), the buttress hall and other buildings that were all built in the Yuan Dynasty. The temple gate is rather high. It is 3-bay wide and 3-bay long with single-eaved gable and hip roof. Canopies added to the front and back eaves make it like a pavilion with double eaves. The front hall is five-bay wide with only two pillars supporting the whole hall. The back hall (or Daxiong Temple) was built in the second year (1309) of the Zhida reign of the Yuan Dynasty. It is 7-bay wide with 9 purlins, 8 rafters and a single-eaved overhanging gable roof. The main statues in the hall are Amitabha Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha, Bhaisajyaguru Buddha, Manjusri Bodhisattva, and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva. They were all made in the Yuan Dynasty. Murals were once covered on the walls, but they were removed and shipped to the United States in 1928. The mural on the south wall recorded the performance of Yuan Drama. It is rare reference material for study on Chinese dramas.

Northern Xiangtangshan, Middle Cave, façade
  • Title Translation: 北响堂山中洞 , 外墙
  • Period: Northern Qi, Ming, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
  • Work Description: The Middle Cave, the second largest of the caves in scale, still has its impressive entrance and large stone porch largely preserved. In recent times, a wooden porch-like structure was added to the front of the cave. Above the eaves of the porch and carved into the stone mountainside, there is a domed roof with a fenced harmika or platform at the top. The single-story stupa with domed roof is a distinctive feature of the design of the Xiangtangshan caves and appears on the walls of the North Cave and on many smaller stone carvings of the middle and late sixth century. Tall armored guardian figures stand under the stone eaves of the porch, and large lions support the columns flanking the door. Walking into the cave, visitors pass under the gaze of two tall bodhisattvas who face the entrance. The Middle Cave, like the great North Cave, has a large central pillar. However, it has only a single large niche deeply cut into the front of the pillar to form an altar on which a Buddha sits on a lotus throne accompanied by two tall standing disciple figures and two bodhisattvas. The base of the central pillar has relief figures of Spirit Kings, lions, and incense burners, much like the North Cave. The cave walls were originally left largely plain, but devotees of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) added a row of seated Buddhas contained in shallow niches that encircle cave's interior.

Southern Xiangtangshan, Cave 7, façade
  • Title Translation: 南响堂山第7窟 , 外墙
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
  • Work Description: Cave 7 is the best preserved of the caves at the Southern Xiangtangshan site, with the exterior displaying architectural features based on wood post and lintel architecture rendered in stone. The porch in front has a stone eave and tiled roof supported on columns and brackets. At the top is a domed roof. Two muscular lishi-type guardian figures stand in the porch on either side of the entrance to the cave. The principal sculpted figures inside the cave, five in each of the three niches, are still largely in place, though most are missing their heads. The seated Buddhas, standing bodhisattvas, and disciples were carved in one piece with the cave walls and thrones (with the exception of one of the Buddhas), and thus were not easily removed. Carvings on the front of the altars include incense burners, lions and nature spirits known as Spirit Kings, as seen at Northern Xiangtangshan. In addition many rows of small “thousand Buddhas” appear on the walls behind the main images and from the front wall around the entrance. On the ceiling, heavenly musicians encircle a central lotus blossom carved in relief.

Northern Xiangtangshan, South Cave, façade, upper level
  • Title Translation: 北响堂山南洞 , 外立面,上层
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
  • Work Description: The South Cave at Northern Xiangtangshan, like the Middle Cave, preserves its original stupa-form with domed roof and a porch in front. An additional small cave is carved into the dome. The main chamber is an open chamber space with images set around three walls. Each altar has a central Buddha surrounded by six standing figures including bodhisattvas, disciples and pratyekabuddhas. Smaller Buddhas appear in rows on the upper level of the cave. On the ceiling a large lotus blossom is carved in relief. The work on the cave appears to have been begun, then interrupted, and resumed later by different craftsmen. The main sculpted images show signs of having been created in two stages, with the later mode of carving evident in the group of images on the back wall. The stylistic difference is also evident in the appearance of the heads of figures taken from the cave and now located in museums and private collections outside China. In addition to its sculptural art, the South Cave is very important for its extensive engravings of Buddhist scriptures in stone. These are located inside the cave on the entrance wall, inside the porch, on the exterior wall of the porch, and extending onto the north wall of the courtyard. At the end of the sutra texts, the dedicatory stele of Tang Yong records that the engravings were carried out in the years from 568-572.

Northern Xiangtangshan, Middle Cave, façade
  • Title Translation: 北响堂山中洞 , 外墙
  • Period: Northern Qi, Ming, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
  • Work Description: The Middle Cave, the second largest of the caves in scale, still has its impressive entrance and large stone porch largely preserved. In recent times, a wooden porch-like structure was added to the front of the cave. Above the eaves of the porch and carved into the stone mountainside, there is a domed roof with a fenced harmika or platform at the top. The single-story stupa with domed roof is a distinctive feature of the design of the Xiangtangshan caves and appears on the walls of the North Cave and on many smaller stone carvings of the middle and late sixth century. Tall armored guardian figures stand under the stone eaves of the porch, and large lions support the columns flanking the door. Walking into the cave, visitors pass under the gaze of two tall bodhisattvas who face the entrance. The Middle Cave, like the great North Cave, has a large central pillar. However, it has only a single large niche deeply cut into the front of the pillar to form an altar on which a Buddha sits on a lotus throne accompanied by two tall standing disciple figures and two bodhisattvas. The base of the central pillar has relief figures of Spirit Kings, lions, and incense burners, much like the North Cave. The cave walls were originally left largely plain, but devotees of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) added a row of seated Buddhas contained in shallow niches that encircle cave's interior.

Lower Guangsheng Temple, back hall (or Daxiong Bodian), façade
  • Title Translation: 广胜下寺 , 后殿 (即大雄宝殿), 正面
  • Period: Eastern Han, Yuan, 147 C.E., 1271-1368 C.E.
  • Project: Guangsheng Temple Murals
  • Work Description: The lower temple is made up by the temple gate, front hall, back hall (or Daxiong Temple), the buttress hall and other buildings that were all built in the Yuan Dynasty. The temple gate is rather high. It is 3-bay wide and 3-bay long with single-eaved gable and hip roof. Canopies added to the front and back eaves make it like a pavilion with double eaves. The front hall is five-bay wide with only two pillars supporting the whole hall. The back hall (or Daxiong Temple) was built in the second year (1309) of the Zhida reign of the Yuan Dynasty. It is 7-bay wide with 9 purlins, 8 rafters and a single-eaved overhanging gable roof. The main statues in the hall are Amitabha Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha, Bhaisajyaguru Buddha, Manjusri Bodhisattva, and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva. They were all made in the Yuan Dynasty. Murals were once covered on the walls, but they were removed and shipped to the United States in 1928. The mural on the south wall recorded the performance of Yuan Drama. It is rare reference material for study on Chinese dramas.

Lower Guangsheng Temple, back hall (or Daxiong Bodian), façade
  • Title Translation: 广胜下寺 , 后殿 (即大雄宝殿), 正面
  • Period: Eastern Han, Yuan, 147 C.E., 1271-1368 C.E.
  • Project: Guangsheng Temple Murals
  • Work Description: The lower temple is made up by the temple gate, front hall, back hall (or Daxiong Temple), the buttress hall and other buildings that were all built in the Yuan Dynasty. The temple gate is rather high. It is 3-bay wide and 3-bay long with single-eaved gable and hip roof. Canopies added to the front and back eaves make it like a pavilion with double eaves. The front hall is five-bay wide with only two pillars supporting the whole hall. The back hall (or Daxiong Temple) was built in the second year (1309) of the Zhida reign of the Yuan Dynasty. It is 7-bay wide with 9 purlins, 8 rafters and a single-eaved overhanging gable roof. The main statues in the hall are Amitabha Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha, Bhaisajyaguru Buddha, Manjusri Bodhisattva, and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva. They were all made in the Yuan Dynasty. Murals were once covered on the walls, but they were removed and shipped to the United States in 1928. The mural on the south wall recorded the performance of Yuan Drama. It is rare reference material for study on Chinese dramas.

Lower Guangsheng Temple, back hall (or Daxiong Bodian), façade
  • Title Translation: 广胜下寺 , 后殿 (即大雄宝殿), 正面
  • Period: Eastern Han, Yuan, 147 C.E., 1271-1368 C.E.
  • Project: Guangsheng Temple Murals
  • Work Description: The lower temple is made up by the temple gate, front hall, back hall (or Daxiong Temple), the buttress hall and other buildings that were all built in the Yuan Dynasty. The temple gate is rather high. It is 3-bay wide and 3-bay long with single-eaved gable and hip roof. Canopies added to the front and back eaves make it like a pavilion with double eaves. The front hall is five-bay wide with only two pillars supporting the whole hall. The back hall (or Daxiong Temple) was built in the second year (1309) of the Zhida reign of the Yuan Dynasty. It is 7-bay wide with 9 purlins, 8 rafters and a single-eaved overhanging gable roof. The main statues in the hall are Amitabha Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha, Bhaisajyaguru Buddha, Manjusri Bodhisattva, and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva. They were all made in the Yuan Dynasty. Murals were once covered on the walls, but they were removed and shipped to the United States in 1928. The mural on the south wall recorded the performance of Yuan Drama. It is rare reference material for study on Chinese dramas.

Water God's Temple (Shuishen Temple) of the Guangsheng Monastery, Ming Ying King Hall (or Mingyingwang Temple), façade
  • Title Translation: 广胜寺水神庙 , 明应王殿, 正面
  • Period: Eastern Han, Ming, 147 C.E., 1368-1644 C.E.
  • Project: Guangsheng Temple Murals
  • Work Description: The Water God's Temple has two yards: the front yard and the back yard, and includes the Temple Gate, the Door of Amenity, the Ming Ying King Hall and wing-rooms of cave dwellings. The Ming Ying King Hall is 5-bay wide and 5-bay long with a cloister around and a double-eaved gable hip roof. Beams inside are of common style. The hall houses statues of Water God Ming Ying King and his eleven attendants. Their facial features, clothes and gestures are all of Yuan style. Frescoes about people praying for the rain and other historical stories covered the walls, occupying an area of 197 square meters. The pictures of dramas at the eastern end of the south wall show a complete set of stage property for the performers: costumes, stage instruments, musical instruments, makeup, curtain, stage, and so on. The drawing was strictly arranged, the color was simple but profound, and dramatis personae were expressive. This fresco reflects the true condition of Yuan Drama in its peak time; it is a rare fine work of Yuan frescoes in China.

Northern Xiangtangshan, Middle Cave, façade
  • Title Translation: 北响堂山中洞 , 外墙
  • Period: Northern Qi, Ming, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
  • Work Description: The Middle Cave, the second largest of the caves in scale, still has its impressive entrance and large stone porch largely preserved. In recent times, a wooden porch-like structure was added to the front of the cave. Above the eaves of the porch and carved into the stone mountainside, there is a domed roof with a fenced harmika or platform at the top. The single-story stupa with domed roof is a distinctive feature of the design of the Xiangtangshan caves and appears on the walls of the North Cave and on many smaller stone carvings of the middle and late sixth century. Tall armored guardian figures stand under the stone eaves of the porch, and large lions support the columns flanking the door. Walking into the cave, visitors pass under the gaze of two tall bodhisattvas who face the entrance. The Middle Cave, like the great North Cave, has a large central pillar. However, it has only a single large niche deeply cut into the front of the pillar to form an altar on which a Buddha sits on a lotus throne accompanied by two tall standing disciple figures and two bodhisattvas. The base of the central pillar has relief figures of Spirit Kings, lions, and incense burners, much like the North Cave. The cave walls were originally left largely plain, but devotees of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) added a row of seated Buddhas contained in shallow niches that encircle cave's interior.

Northern Xiangtangshan, South Cave, façade
  • Title Translation: 北响堂山南洞 , 外墙
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
  • Work Description: The South Cave at Northern Xiangtangshan, like the Middle Cave, preserves its original stupa-form with domed roof and a porch in front. An additional small cave is carved into the dome. The main chamber is an open chamber space with images set around three walls. Each altar has a central Buddha surrounded by six standing figures including bodhisattvas, disciples and pratyekabuddhas. Smaller Buddhas appear in rows on the upper level of the cave. On the ceiling a large lotus blossom is carved in relief. The work on the cave appears to have been begun, then interrupted, and resumed later by different craftsmen. The main sculpted images show signs of having been created in two stages, with the later mode of carving evident in the group of images on the back wall. The stylistic difference is also evident in the appearance of the heads of figures taken from the cave and now located in museums and private collections outside China. In addition to its sculptural art, the South Cave is very important for its extensive engravings of Buddhist scriptures in stone. These are located inside the cave on the entrance wall, inside the porch, on the exterior wall of the porch, and extending onto the north wall of the courtyard. At the end of the sutra texts, the dedicatory stele of Tang Yong records that the engravings were carried out in the years from 568-572.

Lower Guangsheng Temple, back hall (or Daxiong Bodian), façade
  • Title Translation: 广胜下寺 , 后殿 (即大雄宝殿), 正面
  • Period: Eastern Han, Yuan, 147 C.E., 1271-1368 C.E.
  • Project: Guangsheng Temple Murals
  • Work Description: The lower temple is made up by the temple gate, front hall, back hall (or Daxiong Temple), the buttress hall and other buildings that were all built in the Yuan Dynasty. The temple gate is rather high. It is 3-bay wide and 3-bay long with single-eaved gable and hip roof. Canopies added to the front and back eaves make it like a pavilion with double eaves. The front hall is five-bay wide with only two pillars supporting the whole hall. The back hall (or Daxiong Temple) was built in the second year (1309) of the Zhida reign of the Yuan Dynasty. It is 7-bay wide with 9 purlins, 8 rafters and a single-eaved overhanging gable roof. The main statues in the hall are Amitabha Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha, Bhaisajyaguru Buddha, Manjusri Bodhisattva, and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva. They were all made in the Yuan Dynasty. Murals were once covered on the walls, but they were removed and shipped to the United States in 1928. The mural on the south wall recorded the performance of Yuan Drama. It is rare reference material for study on Chinese dramas.

Lower Guangsheng Temple, back hall (or Daxiong Bodian), façade
  • Title Translation: 广胜下寺 , 后殿 (即大雄宝殿), 正面
  • Period: Eastern Han, Yuan, 147 C.E., 1271-1368 C.E.
  • Project: Guangsheng Temple Murals
  • Work Description: The lower temple is made up by the temple gate, front hall, back hall (or Daxiong Temple), the buttress hall and other buildings that were all built in the Yuan Dynasty. The temple gate is rather high. It is 3-bay wide and 3-bay long with single-eaved gable and hip roof. Canopies added to the front and back eaves make it like a pavilion with double eaves. The front hall is five-bay wide with only two pillars supporting the whole hall. The back hall (or Daxiong Temple) was built in the second year (1309) of the Zhida reign of the Yuan Dynasty. It is 7-bay wide with 9 purlins, 8 rafters and a single-eaved overhanging gable roof. The main statues in the hall are Amitabha Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha, Bhaisajyaguru Buddha, Manjusri Bodhisattva, and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva. They were all made in the Yuan Dynasty. Murals were once covered on the walls, but they were removed and shipped to the United States in 1928. The mural on the south wall recorded the performance of Yuan Drama. It is rare reference material for study on Chinese dramas.