Showing  2001 - 2025 of 3450 Records

Showing  2001 - 2025 of 3450 Records
Tianlongshan Caves
  • Title Translation: 第九窟
  • Period: Eastern Wei, Northern Qi, Sui, Tang, 534-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
534 - 907

Cave 1
  • Title Translation: 第一窟
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: Cave 1 is located at the far eastern end of the Tianlongshan caves site more than thirty meters from the the next cave, Cave 2. It is one of the larger caves, believed to be of the Northern Qi period. The facade still has part of the eave over the entrance porch showing architectural elements of posts and brackets and tiled roof carved in stone. The porch is about 3.5 meters wide and has an old stele carved on the right side. There was a dedicatory inscription carved on it, but only a few characters are now legible. The interior is a square chamber with niches on the back and side walls, each formerly containing a seated Buddha and two bodhisattvas.
550 - 577

Cave 2
  • Title Translation: 第二窟
  • Period: Eastern Wei, 534-550 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: Cave 2 and 3, the paired caves, are believed to be from the Eastern Wei period and are the earliest caves at Tianlongshan. They are located on the eastern side of the Tianlongshan caves site and below the upper level caves. Cave 2 is on the right. The caves are distinctive for the many relief carvings on the walls and ceiling, most of which have been removed.
534 - 550

Cave 3
  • Title Translation: 第三窟
  • Period: Eastern Wei, 534-550 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: Like Cave 2, Cave 3 has a square plan with Buddha and bodhisattva images with relief carvings on three walls.
534 - 550

Cave 9
  • Title Translation: 第九窟
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: Cave 9 was cut into the eastern edge of the western section at Tianlongshan in the Tang dynasty. It consists of a huge niche with two levels. The upper level is set back and has a massive colossal Maitreya Buddha image more than 7.5 meters high, seated with his back against the cliff and his head reaching nearly to the cliff top. The lower level has three large bodhisattvas carved in the round, a central standing eleven-headed Avalokitesvara (Guanyin) and two seated bodhisattvas at the sides, each riding on an animal. The Guanyin figure stands 5.5 meters high. Its head is a modern replacement for the original one. The bodhisattva on the east side, mounted on an elephant, is Samantabhadra (Puxian), and the one on the west side, sitting on a lion, is Manjusri (Wenshu). The large group of carvings is protected by a tall wooden structure that was reconstructed in recent times. The original building, believed to be from the Tang, was repaired in the tenth century, as recorded on the stele dated 975 preserved at the site.
618 - 907

Cave 10
  • Title Translation: 第十窟
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: Cave 10 is a Northern Qi cave that is just west of the colossal sculptures and wooden structure of Cave 9. It is accessible through an opening in the east wall adjacent to Cave 9. The entrance porch is now high above path in front of the cave. Still partially preserved on the west side, it has one large pillar remaining on the west side. The entrance porch has two guardian figures standing outside, one of which mostly remains. Like the other caves of the Northern Qi period at Tianlongshan, this is one of the larger caves, its interior a square chamber more than three meters on each side with figures carved on four walls. There are recessed niches on the back and side walls that contain most of the principle sculptural images. Smaller figures of musicians and lions appear along the front of the low altar.
550 - 577

Cave 16
  • Title Translation: 第十六窟
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: Cave 16 is the most important Northern Qi cave at the Tianlongshan site. The porch still has elements of post and lintel construction and bracketing supporting the overhanging eave that derive from construction in wood. The interior had fine sculptures that partially remain. The cave is now inaccessible from the path, which may account for its relatively good state of preservation.
550 - 577

Tianlongshan Caves
  • Title Translation: 天龙山石窟
  • Period: Eastern Wei, Northern Qi, Sui, Tang, 534-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The main site of Tianlongshan is located near the top of the mountain, 1,700 meters above sea level, on two sectors of a fissured sandstone cliff. The caves extend horizontally for about 500 meters across the two adjoining cliffs that are known as the Eastern and Western Peaks. The Tianlongshan grottoes are mostly of small and medium scale, square chambers with images on raised altars principally around the back and side walls. One of the caves is a central pillar cave with image niches cut into the central pillar and the walls around it, and there are also colossal images carved into the cliffside where a large multistory pavilion is built over them. Caves 1-8 and the four upper level caves are in the east sector of the site, and Caves 9-21 in the west sector. This is a general view of caves (including Cave 1-8 ) on the eastern peak.
534 - 907

Cave 2
  • Title Translation: 第二窟
  • Period: Eastern Wei, 534-550 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: Cave 2 and 3, the paired caves, are believed to be from the Eastern Wei period and are the earliest caves at Tianlongshan. They are located on the eastern side of the Tianlongshan caves site and below the upper level caves. Cave 2 is on the right. The caves are distinctive for the many relief carvings on the walls and ceiling, most of which have been removed.
534 - 550

Cave 3
  • Title Translation: 第三窟
  • Period: Eastern Wei, 534-550 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: Like Cave 2, Cave 3 has a square plan with Buddha and bodhisattva images with relief carvings on three walls.
534 - 550

Cave 5
  • Title Translation: 第五窟
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: Cave 5 is a small Tang dynasty cave whose front wall is now missing so that its original plan and contents are now unknown. Two seated images remain, a Buddha and bodhisattva.
618 - 907

Cave 6
  • Title Translation: 第六窟
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: Cave 6 is a small square cave of the Tang period that had nine sculpted images on the interior, with a central seated Buddha on the back and side walls accompanied by bodhisattvas and disciples. On the exterior the traces of two guardian figures appear at the sides of the entrance. The exterior still has a small porch in front.
618 - 907

Cave 14
  • Title Translation: 第十四窟
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: Cave 14 is a Tang cave that had finely carved sculptures, many of which are now in collections outside China
618 - 907

Cave 16
  • Title Translation: 第十六窟
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: Cave 16 is the most important Northern Qi cave at the Tianlongshan site. The porch still has elements of post and lintel construction and bracketing supporting the overhanging eave that derive from construction in wood. The interior had fine sculptures that partially remain. The cave is now inaccessible from the path, which may account for its relatively good state of preservation.
550 - 577

Cave 4
  • Title Translation: 第四窟
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: Cave 4 is a small cave of the Tang dynasty. The existing porch in front of the entrance is about 1.5 meters wide. There were originally seven sculpted figures in the cave, a seated Buddha on the back wall, two seated bodhisattvas in the corners on the east and west side, and four standing figures. Most have been cut away.
618 - 907

Cave 4
  • Title Translation: 第四窟
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: Cave 4 is a small cave of the Tang dynasty. The existing porch in front of the entrance is about 1.5 meters wide. There were originally seven sculpted figures in the cave, a seated Buddha on the back wall, two seated bodhisattvas in the corners on the east and west side, and four standing figures. Most have been cut away.
618 - 907

Tianlongshan Caves
  • Title Translation: 天龙山石窟
  • Period: Eastern Wei, Northern Qi, Sui, Tang, 534-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
534 - 907

Tianlongshan Caves
  • Title Translation: 天龙山石窟
  • Period: Eastern Wei, Northern Qi, Sui, Tang, 534-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
534 - 907

Tianlongshan Caves
  • Title Translation: 天龙山石窟
  • Period: Eastern Wei, Northern Qi, Sui, Tang, 534-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
534 - 907

Cave 21
  • Title Translation: 第二十一窟
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: Cave 21 is the largest Tang dynasty cave with the exception of Cave 9. It now has traces of only a single larger than life-sized seated Buddha on the north (back) wall and five standing attendants (Photograph. Li 2003, color pl. 21). The cave is damaged by a large fissure in the stone that cuts across the east and west walls, thus the stone may not have been suitable for sculpting. It is possible that some of the figures formerly made for the cave were not attached to the walls, but carved separately and placed into the cave.
618 - 907

Cave 21
  • Title Translation: 第二十一窟
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: Cave 21 is the largest Tang dynasty cave with the exception of Cave 9. It now has traces of only a single larger than life-sized seated Buddha on the north (back) wall and five standing attendants (Photograph. Li 2003, color pl. 21). The cave is damaged by a large fissure in the stone that cuts across the east and west walls, thus the stone may not have been suitable for sculpting. It is possible that some of the figures formerly made for the cave were not attached to the walls, but carved separately and placed into the cave.
618 - 907

Guardian Standing
  • Title Translation: 天王、护法力士立像
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The site of Tianlongshan Caves is located about 40 kilometres southwest of Taiyuan city in Shanxi Province. 25 caves have survived to this day. Taiyuan, historically called Jinyang, was the auxiliary capital of the Eastern Wei (534-550 CE) and Northern Qi (550-577 CE) dynasties. The royal members of the Northern Qi were devout Buddhists. Emperors Houzhu (565-577 CE) and Youzhu (570-578 CE) had many Buddhist monasteries constructed in Jinyang, which made this capital a Buddhist centre in addition to a political hub of the time. This Heavenly King (Lokapāla) statue of the Northern Qi dynasty originally belonged to Tianlongshan Cave 10, which has a front corridor and a rear chamber. Its head formerly belonged to the Vajrapāṇibalin standing on the west side of the corridor, while the body of the Heavenly King originally stood on the west side of the front wall inside the cave. The head of the statue is carved with tightly knitted eyebrows, round bulging eyes, a high straight nose, a gaping mouth showing the upper teeth biting the lower lip, tense cubic face muscles, and a fierce and very spirited countenance. The low regal crown on the head is finely carved with motifs featuring wish-fulfilling gems, scrolling clouds and tassels. Old photographs showing the original appearance of this Heavenly King reveal that he previously had a long-shaft trident spear in his right hand and a jewelled crown on his head. The right knee is flexed, but left leg is straight – hinting a sense of motion, where the feet are on a hill-shaped pedestal with a demon crouching at the front. The upper body is bare apart from a torc over the chest, some string-like criss-cross ornaments around his neck and waist, and a streamer around the shoulders. The lower body is wrapped in a long skirt girded by a leather belt. Traces of red pigment are still visible on the surface of the present statue. This statue was stolen from the cave and taken to Japan in the early 20th century. In 1932, it was exhibited by Yamanaka & Co. Ltd in Japan. Later, it was acquired by Yurinkan Museum in Kyoto and then by a private collector in Taiwan. The chequered and proven provenance has made this extremely rare Heavenly King statue of the Northern Dynasties even rarer. It is among the gems of our Museum collection.
550 - 577

Longmen Binyang Central Cave, entrance south side
  • Title Translation: 龙门宾阳中洞 , 入口南侧
  • Period: Northern Wei, 386–534 C.E.
  • Project: Longmen Binyang Central Cave
  • Work Description: The Longmen Caves are located outside the city of Luoyang, China, about 500 miles southeast of the modern-day capital in Beijing. Established in the late fifth century, the site consists of 2,345 caves, and over 100,000 individual Buddhist statues, ranging in height from a few inches to over 56 feet. For more than 250 years, Chinese Buddhists from all walks of life sponsored the addition of Buddhist statues and inscriptions to the site, most significantly from the late Northern Wei (386-534) through the Tang dynasty (618-907). Binyang Central Cave is one of the earliest at Longmen and a major monument of Chinese Buddhism. Begun around the year 501, it was commissioned by the youthful Emperor Xuanwu (483-515) and dedicated to his father, Emperor Xiaowen, who died in 499 at age thirty-three. The cave is one of the major monuments of Chinese Buddhism. MEasuring roughly 30 feet in each dimension, its principal image is 28-foot-high seated Buddha largly filling the back of the cave and accompanied by smaller standing figures—disciples, Buddhas, and bodhisattva—on either side. The exit wall contained some of the finest stone relief carvings of the era, including depictions of two imperial processions, and a number of stories from Buddhist scriptures. After cave-making was discontinued for nearly a thousand years, the Longmen site was "discovered" by foreign scholars in the late 1800s. The publication of their studies with photos attracted international attention to the artistic quality of the sculptures. The publications ultimately led to the looting of much of the site in the early part of the twentieth century. In response to demand from art dealers, collectors, and museums around the globe, local stonecutters removed countless works from the caves, often breaking them into numerous fragments in the process. Pieces from the greater Longmen complex can now be found scattered throughout the world. In Binyang Central Cave, several heads and large portions of the relief carvings were cut or burned out of the walls. Fragments from Binyang Central Cave now reside in museums in the US and Japan, as well as in storage at the Longmen Research Institute in China. Many shattered pieces are identifiable today with the evidence of historical photographs and rubbings taken of the reliefs before their removal.
386 - 534

Longmen Binyang Central Cave, guardian
  • Title Translation: 龙门宾阳中洞 , 天王, 护法力士
  • Period: Northern Wei, 386–534 C.E.
  • Project: Longmen Binyang Central Cave
  • Work Description: The Longmen Caves are located outside the city of Luoyang, China, about 500 miles southeast of the modern-day capital in Beijing. Established in the late fifth century, the site consists of 2,345 caves, and over 100,000 individual Buddhist statues, ranging in height from a few inches to over 56 feet. For more than 250 years, Chinese Buddhists from all walks of life sponsored the addition of Buddhist statues and inscriptions to the site, most significantly from the late Northern Wei (386-534) through the Tang dynasty (618-907).
386 - 534

Longmen Binyang Central Cave, north wall disciple and bodhisattvas
  • Title Translation: 龙门宾阳中洞 , 北壁弟子菩萨
  • Period: Northern Wei, 386–534 C.E.
  • Project: Longmen Binyang Central Cave
  • Work Description: The Longmen Caves are located outside the city of Luoyang, China, about 500 miles southeast of the modern-day capital in Beijing. Established in the late fifth century, the site consists of 2,345 caves, and over 100,000 individual Buddhist statues, ranging in height from a few inches to over 56 feet. For more than 250 years, Chinese Buddhists from all walks of life sponsored the addition of Buddhist statues and inscriptions to the site, most significantly from the late Northern Wei (386-534) through the Tang dynasty (618-907). Binyang Central Cave is one of the earliest at Longmen and a major monument of Chinese Buddhism. Begun around the year 501, it was commissioned by the youthful Emperor Xuanwu (483-515) and dedicated to his father, Emperor Xiaowen, who died in 499 at age thirty-three. The cave is one of the major monuments of Chinese Buddhism. MEasuring roughly 30 feet in each dimension, its principal image is 28-foot-high seated Buddha largly filling the back of the cave and accompanied by smaller standing figures—disciples, Buddhas, and bodhisattva—on either side. The exit wall contained some of the finest stone relief carvings of the era, including depictions of two imperial processions, and a number of stories from Buddhist scriptures. After cave-making was discontinued for nearly a thousand years, the Longmen site was "discovered" by foreign scholars in the late 1800s. The publication of their studies with photos attracted international attention to the artistic quality of the sculptures. The publications ultimately led to the looting of much of the site in the early part of the twentieth century. In response to demand from art dealers, collectors, and museums around the globe, local stonecutters removed countless works from the caves, often breaking them into numerous fragments in the process. Pieces from the greater Longmen complex can now be found scattered throughout the world. In Binyang Central Cave, several heads and large portions of the relief carvings were cut or burned out of the walls. Fragments from Binyang Central Cave now reside in museums in the US and Japan, as well as in storage at the Longmen Research Institute in China. Many shattered pieces are identifiable today with the evidence of historical photographs and rubbings taken of the reliefs before their removal.
386 - 534