Showing  76 - 100 of 240 Records

Showing  76 - 100 of 240 Records
Bodhisattva Seated
  • Title Translation: 坐菩萨
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The bodhisattva figure is seated in a pose of royal ease, with right leg bent out to the side and with the foot resting on the throne beside the left knee. The head is a modern replacement for the original head, now in the Barnes Foundation Museum.
618 - 907

Disciple Head
  • Title Translation: 弟子头
  • Period: Sui, 581-618 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The shaven head of a youthful disciple is from the north wall of Cave 8.
581 - 618

Buddha Head
  • Title Translation: 佛头
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: This Buddha head, previously exhibited at the Tokyo National Museum, is from the north wall of Cave 16.
550 - 577

Bodhisattva Head
  • Title Translation: 菩萨头
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The head and jewelry are very similar to those of a seated figure once located on the north wall of Cave 17.
618 - 907

Bodhisattva Seated
  • Title Translation: 坐菩萨
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: This finely carved headless figure sits in a posture of royal ease.
618 - 907

Bodhisattva Head
  • Title Translation: 菩萨头
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The head is believed to be from the east wall of Cave 4.
618 - 907

Disciple Standing
  • Title Translation: 弟子
  • Period: Northern Qi, 589-618 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
  • Work Description: Expressing serene dignity, these youthful monks stand erect, their eyes downcast and hands firmly joined in reverent prayer. Their long earlobes allude to earrings that were worn by the Buddha as a young Indian prince and to his rejection of material wealth. Characteristic of Sui dynasty sculpture, the monks’ sharply defined facial features and the folds of their robes enhance the figures’ flat, understated modeling. Each of their robes was originally painted with rectangles of different colors, signifying the patchwork mantle worn by the Buddha and by pious monks who emulated his humble values. Only shadowy traces of these pigments are now evident.
589 - 618

Buddha Head
  • Title Translation: 佛头
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
  • Work Description: At the Xiangtangshan Buddhist sites in Hebei province, cave-temple construction and image-making were supported by the Northern Qi imperial court and nobility. Under the constant shadow of political uncertainty and the theory of the "Law of the Decadence" (or mofa, the deterioration of the True Law after the historical Buddha’s attainment of nirvana), the Buddhist faith was embraced as the ideal for rulership. The Buddha’s smile offers reassurance and consolation.
550 - 577

Monster Squatting Caryatid
  • Title Translation: 鬼神蹲女像柱
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
550 - 577

Disciple Mahakasyapa
  • Title Translation: 门徒摩诃迦叶
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
  • Work Description: Mahakasyapa, the disciple of Shakyamuni, is presented with closed eyes in an expression of meditative concentration. He is holding a reliquary for the Buddha’s ashes, which symbolize the Buddha entering final spiritual attainment (nirvana) at death. The artistic simplicity exemplifies the spiritual content of this figure.
550 - 577

Disciple Ananda Head
  • Title Translation: 弟子阿难头
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
550 - 577

Monster Kneeling
  • Title Translation: 跪鬼神
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
550 - 577

Monster Kneeling
  • Title Translation: 跪鬼神
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
  • Work Description: Figure of a demon, intended to serve as a support for an engaged column. Body with wings, large horns, three fingers, and two toes; with shoulders hunched and arms braced on thighs.
550 - 577

Buddha Hand
  • Title Translation: 佛手
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
550 - 577

Apsaras Hand Jewel
  • Title Translation: 飞天手饰
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
550 - 577

Bodhisattva Head
  • Title Translation: 菩萨头
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
  • Work Description: Stone head of a bodhisattva made of light colored stone with traces of red and yellow pigment. This head would have originally been part of a colossal statue. The piece is a companion to C353 and very similar to it, the principal differences being that the hair is arranged in a number of plaits and the crown is more elaborate. It is believed to originally come from the North Cave of Northern Xiangtangshan.
550 - 577

Monster Squatting Human
  • Title Translation: 鬼神蹲人
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
550 - 577

Guardian Torso
  • Title Translation: 天王、护法力士躯干
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
550 - 577

Disciple Ananda Standing
  • Title Translation: 弟子阿难立像
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Xiangtangshan Caves
550 - 577

Buddha Seated
  • Title Translation: 坐佛
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The Buddha sits in meditation with his right hand extended downward in the gesture of bhumispara (earth touching).
618 - 907

Bodhisattva Seated
  • Title Translation: 坐菩萨
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The unusually well-preserved bodhisattva figure seated in royal ease has one hand raised, holding a jewel.
618 - 907

Buddha Head
  • Title Translation: 佛头
  • Period: Sui, 581-618 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The head is believed to be from Cave 8.
581 - 618

  • Title Translation: 乐伎
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: This is the upper part of a musician playing the panpipes that was seated at the base of the Buddha niche on the east wall of Cave 16.
550 - 577

Bodhisattva Relief
  • Title Translation: 菩萨浮雕
  • Period: Eastern Wei, 534-550 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The bodhisattva seated in contemplation under a tree represents the awakening of the youthful Prince Sakyamuni's awareness of the suffering of life.
534 - 550

Bodhisattva Head
  • Title Translation: 菩萨头
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The elaborate crown can be seen on a number of bodhisattva heads from cave 16. This head is from the north wall niche, east side
550 - 577