Showing  526 - 550 of 1091 Records

Showing  526 - 550 of 1091 Records
Buddha Head
  • Title Translation: 佛头
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The head is that of the seated Maitreya Buddha on the east wall of Cave 6.
618 - 907

Bodhisattva Relief
  • Title Translation: 菩萨浮雕
  • Period: Eastern Wei, 534-550 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The relief sculpture is a composite of numerous fragments.
534 - 550

Buddha Head
  • Title Translation: 佛头
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The head is from the Buddha on the east wall of Cave 1.
550 - 577

Guardian Standing
  • Title Translation: 天王、护法力士立像
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The muscular body and fierce expression of this door guardian from Cave 17 create a vivid impression of strength.
618 - 907

Bodhisattva Standing
  • Title Translation: 立菩萨
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: This figure and the other standing bodhisattva in the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art are a pair that once stood on opposite walls of Cave 4.
618 - 907

Lion Torso
  • Title Translation: 狮身
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The lion is believed to be the mount of the bodhisattva Manjusri formerly in Cave 20.
618 - 907

Flying Divinity
  • Title Translation: 飞天
  • Period: Eastern Wei, 534-550 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The fluttering scarves and clouds surrounding the figure give it a sense of flight and movement.
534 - 550

Flying Divinity
  • Title Translation: 飞天
  • Period: Eastern Wei, 534-550 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The heavenly figure in flight looking backward is from the ceiling of Cave 3.
534 - 550

Disciple Relief
  • Title Translation: 弟子浮雕
  • Period: Eastern Wei, 534-550 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The elderly disciple Kasyapa, together with the youthful Ananda, represent the Buddha's initial monastic followers.
534 - 550

Disciple Relief
  • Title Translation: 弟子浮雕
  • Period: Eastern Wei, 534-550 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: Two figures of disciples, one youthful and one elderly, frequently appear together as attendants of the Buddha.
534 - 550

Disciple Relief
  • Title Translation: 弟子浮雕
  • Period: Eastern Wei, 534-550 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The elderly disciple Kasyapa holds an incense burner in his hands.
534 - 550

Devotee Relief
  • Title Translation: 信徒浮雕
  • Period: Eastern Wei, 534-550 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The devotees hold an incense burner and long-stemmed lotus buds as offerings.
534 - 550

Bodhisattva Torso
  • Title Translation: 菩萨身
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The torso appears to be from a standing bodhisattva on the east wall of Cave 6.
618 - 907

Guardian Head
  • Title Translation: 天王、护法力士头
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The head is from one of the military-looking guardian figures on the west side of the porch outside of Cave 16.
550 - 577

Bodhisattva Standing
  • Title Translation: 立菩萨
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The figure is likely to be from one of the smaller caves at Tianlongshan where it stood as an attendant to the Buddha with hands held together in reverence.
618 - 907

Cave 2
  • Title Translation: 第二窟
  • Period: Eastern Wei, 534-550 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: Cave 2 and 3, the paired caves, are believed to be from the Eastern Wei period and are the earliest caves at Tianlongshan. They are located on the eastern side of the Tianlongshan caves site and below the upper level caves. Cave 2 is on the right. The caves are distinctive for the many relief carvings on the walls and ceiling, most of which have been removed.
534 - 550

Guardian Standing
  • Title Translation: 天王、护法力士立像
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The figure is from the south wall west side of Cave 10. Its head is not original.
550 - 577

Buddha Head
  • Title Translation: 佛头
  • Period: Eastern Wei, 534-550 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: This Buddha head appears to be one of the earliest sculptures at Tianlongshan and can be assigned to Cave 3.
534 - 550

Disciple Head
  • Title Translation: 弟子头
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: This head of a youthful disciple is believed to be from Cave 16.
550 - 577

Buddha Head
  • Title Translation: 佛头
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The cave from which this head originated has not been identified.
618 - 907

Buddha Hand
  • Title Translation: 佛手
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The large hand, now missing the upper joints of the fingers, may have originated from a Buddha image in Cave 16.
550 - 577

Bodhisattva Head
  • Title Translation: 菩萨头
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: The head of the bodhisattva is missing its topknot. Other heads from Cave 18 have had the topknot restored.
618 - 907

Disciple Head
  • Title Translation: 弟子头
  • Period: Sui, 581-618 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: This head of a disciple is believed to be from a niche in the central pillar of Cave 8.
581 - 618

Cave 16
  • Title Translation: 第十六窟
  • Period: Tang, 618-907 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: Cave 16 is the most important Northern Qi cave at the Tianlongshan site. The porch still has elements of post and lintel construction and bracketing supporting the overhanging eave that derive from construction in wood. The interior had fine sculptures that partially remain. The cave is now inaccessible from the path, which may account for its relatively good state of preservation.
618 - 907

Cave 1
  • Title Translation: 第一窟
  • Period: Northern Qi, 550-577 C.E.
  • Project: Tianlongshan Caves
  • Work Description: Cave 1 is located at the far eastern end of the Tianlongshan caves site more than thirty meters from the the next cave, Cave 2. It is one of the larger caves, believed to be of the Northern Qi period. The facade still has part of the eave over the entrance porch showing architectural elements of posts and brackets and tiled roof carved in stone. The porch is about 3.5 meters wide and has an old stele carved on the right side. There was a dedicatory inscription carved on it, but only a few characters are now legible. The interior is a square chamber with niches on the back and side walls, each formerly containing a seated Buddha and two bodhisattvas.
550 - 577